Thursday, 26 April 2012

Whoa! A POLISH Mod Spotlight! 0.o

Hi guys! I was looking round the internet for any new spotlights and I came across this one. It is a great mod review by a nice guy called fusionfallwwww. Not only does he cover lots of the features, but HE'S POLISH! It's amazing and also slightly weird to think that somebody from the other side of the world to me likes the mod.
So, here it is! (If, you're not Polish, this may bit a bit confusing)

Teraz dla mojej strasznej tłumaczeniu polskim:

Cześć chłopaki! Szukałem w internecie okrągły nowych reflektorów i natknąłem się tego.To wielki przegląd mod przez miłym facetem o nazwie fusionfallwwwwNie tylko onobejmować wiele funkcji, ale jest POLSKIM! To niesamowite, a także nieco dziwne, aby myśleć, że ktoś po drugiej stronie świata do mnie lubi mod.
Tak, tu jest! (Jeżeli nie jesteś Polską, to może zbić nieco mylące)

Jeśli czytasz ten koleś to dziękuje! Będzie to oficjalny polski przegląd.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Mod Spotlight Party!

Since this mod has been made, tons of mod spotlights of it have been produced by the wonderful Minecraft community. YouTube user: IpodMail has recently made a fantastic video of the latest release of Undead+. Here it is!

Also, here's another great spotlight from a great guy called Matt. Apparently, Undead+ is his favorite mod yet. Cheers, dude!

New Ghost Ship Pics

Hi guys! Today I have some pictures of the Ghost Ships that will be released in the next update, exclusive to this website. Undead Buccaneers will spawn on them. All credit goes to DJKnarnia who made them. HE DID AN FREAKING EPIC JOB! Here they are.

Mushroom Ship

Steam Ship

Pirate Galleons

Jungle Ship

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Undead+ Mod v0.4 only for Minecraft 1.2.5 is out!

That's right, the next indev release of the Undead+ Mod is now available for download. This version contains many fixes and even the new biome, with it's won blocks and structures.

-v.04 Updated to 1.2.5.

V0.4 Changelog
  • All mobs have new AI.
  • The Thinker can open doors and see up to 64 blocks away.
  • Flare now spawns in the nether.
  • Ghoul & Cool zombies now have their sounds added.
  • Summoning table has new GUI and is now functional.
  • Added Grave biome, including 6 of the 8 tree designs.
  • Made widower spawn rate very low.
  • Added dread planks.
  • Probably some other things I can’t think of.
  • Tamed zombies and hell hounds don't stay tamed when you reopen the save/game.
  • Mobs still burn in biome.
  • Vines are not generating on trees in the biome.

Find a grave biome and try to survive in it using only the rescources you find there. It's very hard, but very fun!